As the second year of the Covid-19 and Delta virus disabled the fundraising events we normally have, we were able to successfully implement the second Annual Wine Event to raise funds to support the Meals on Wheels Program. This year we offered wines from J. Christopher Wines which we were able to purchase at a discount giving our donors the opportunity to receive some lovely and valuable wines with their generous contributions to the program. The Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc offerings were packaged as mixed cases and half cases, exclusively from J. Christopher, a ChehalemMountain winery, vintages 2017 and 2018-19. The Springs atLake Oswego, the new retirement living campus at the corner ofKruse Way and Boones Ferry offered their location as thedistribution point for the weekend wine pick-up, November 6 &7, 2021. The Springs even provided entertainment for theoccasion with a Scottish Highlands bagpiper on Saturday and aCaribbean steel drum musician on Sunday! It was a great venuefor the event and we were extremely grateful to the Springs forhosting. Again, we raised awareness in the community for thelocal Meals on Wheels program, it’s necessity and contributionas well as being able to give back something of value to thegenerous donors to the program. Many thanks to J. ChristopherWines, The Springs at Lake Oswego, the musicians (who werein the rain, snow and wind most of the day!!), the LOMOWboard members who organized and delivered wine and to all ofthe friends and supporters of Meals on Wheels who donated tothis important event! THANK YOU.
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