Recognizing the strain of daily life as well as the importance of social interaction among seniors, Lake Oswego Meal Network provides lunch service at the Welcome Break Cafe in the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center. While the Lake Oswego Meal Network serves meals primarily to seniors, everyone is welcome to join us for a nutritious  meal on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Join Us for Lunch

Enjoy a delicious, hot, well-balanced lunch, served by volunteers in the Adult Community Center’s Oak room.

Doors Open:  11:30 a.m.
Lunch Served: Noon

Donations are welcomed per the Adult Community Center’s recommendations. Donations in excess of the suggested amount help compensate for those unable to give in full. Guests are welcome and reservations encouraged. To make a reservation, call 503-635-3758, or e-mail the Adult Community Center at .

Click here to view the current Lunch Menu.